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Monthly Membership and Course Access

At House Money Media, our goal is to help people become financially free through real estate by launching first-generation real estate investors.

With 20+ years of experience, we are here to show you how anyone can build wealth through real estate. The House Money Membership gives you all the tools you need to build and grow your real estate portfolio. 

Whether you have some real estate knowledge or none, we've created comprehensive courses and guides that will bring you back to the basics that our founders have used to retire early.

Here's what you'll get with this membership:

  • Mentorship and Guidance from Real Estate Experts
  • Group coaching from Alan Corey and Lauren Keen Aumond
  • Full Access to the House Money Discord Server
  • House Money's Long-Term Rental Investing Course 
  • House Money's Short-Term Rental Investing Course
  • House Money's BROKE Method to Investing Course
  • Downloadable resources, books, guides and more
  • Bonus videos, walkthroughs, and trainings
  • Free Mortgage Consultation with Jasmine Mortgage Team
  • Members-only merch