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HMW #102: Investment Hack: Use a Real Estate Agent that Invests

alan corey real estate agents realtors team building May 17, 2023

Read Time: 5.25 minutes


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You need you to know how to find the perfect mentor/agent to make you a top-shelf real estate investor.

Top-shelf sounds good, right? Top-shelf implies high quality. But as a tall guy, I see quite often that top shelves also have a lot of dust bunnies. 

So, let's wipe down your Nan's trusty "How To Find a Real Estate Agent" guide and give it a much needed clean. A solid investment-savvy agent can change your life and you need to know how to find the best one for you.

In my first five years of investing I hated real estate agents. They knew nothing about how to size up a deal but knew everything about "Live, Laugh, Love" pillows. I considered them worthless until those pillows came in handy to muffle my screams of frustration.

Then I became an agent myself. And my view changed completely. 

I found that amazing investment-minded real estate agents actually do exist. 

They just don't advertise on park benches with photos taken from a Lancaster plate camera. Nor balance being an agent with selling MLM weight loss shakes and running a part-time Amazon drop-shipping shop. Nor did they get into the real estate business because they lost their job and their spouse told them to get a license because "you really like luxury home Insta accounts."

So why is finding a top-shelf real estate important?

  • They all cost the same
  • That cost is $0 to a buyer
  • A good agent recognizes good deals
  • A good agent makes you a successful investor
  • A bad agent makes you want to create an iBuyer tech startup

So I think you now see why this is important info to know.

And before I go any further, apologies to any active real estate agent reading this that feels personally attacked. I mean well.

I get that, but agents pay attention. This is how you get investors craving for your seasonal refrigerator magnets.

And to my investors looking for that perfect agent, you have to know why you aren't having luck in sourcing the perfect partner in your wealth building. It's because you think one thing:

All agents are the same.


Or maybe you picked your agent because:

  • They are pretty
  • They were convenient
  • They have slick marketing
  • They were available that one time
  • They were nice and friendly to your dog
  • They just got their license and you want to help

I get it. Been there. And snotted up their throw pillows.

But you are an investor.  And not any investor, a top-shelf investor in training.  And you need to surround yourself with top-shelf things while simultaneously avoiding things that rhyme with bust dunnies.

So below I've laid out 3 simple ways for you to get the best real estate agent that works for free, has the same license as all other agents, but also knows a thing or two about real estate investing.


Step 1: Ask your realtor what do they invest in?

If their answer is any of the following:

  • I don't invest
  • I invest, but not in that area
  • I invest, but not in that type of property
  • I'll give you a discount on my commission to help

You don't use them! Instead you ask them to refer an agent that invests personally in [your product type] in [your area]. 

They will tell you that they can help you and it won't be a problem. But they are half-right. They can help. But you don't want their help. It will be a problem.

Just because someone speaks Spanish doesn't mean I want them in my mariachi band. And if you do speak Spanish, then you know my mariachi band una terrible estratagema para conocer al magnate inmobiliario Carlos Slim.

Long story short, you pay the same for an expert in your area, so go get one. They exist. You just have to ask around. And they will make you more successful faster because:

  • You can leverage their network
  • They have deal flow of the investment you like
  • They can't buy every single deal in their deal flow
  • They can mentor you in the area you want to be an expert in

I'll take all the shortcuts to success I can get. And this is the biggest one.

Do you now see why an investing-agent is necessario?

I guess you are still on the fence. Yes anyone can, but you and I both know top-shelf margaritas don't give you hangovers. That's what you are missing.

Now, there are other ways to source a real estate agent that are easy if you can't find one that invests themselves.


Step 2: Find agents who repped what you would like to buy

Ever think, "man, I would have liked to buy that." 

Or "dang, my self-repped offer didn't get accepted". 

Or, "how did that go under contract in less than an hour?"

Look at the agent who represented that buyer. That's the agent you want in your corner. That's the agent that's getting things done for investors.

And they would LOVE it if you tracked them down. Every agent wants your business, but give it to the one that is doing the things you want for yourself.

Please tell me you now see that all real estate agents are not created equal?

Well we are making progress! I'll take it. Lastly, I'll give you one more real estate hack that will have you source the best investor-minded agent.


Step 3: Ask property managers for 2-3 recommendations 

If you don't want to take my word for it, take the word of the property manager you plan to use.

That property manager wants to earn your business, so they are incentivized to give you a good name.

Their whole business is setup for real estate investors. So go there. Chances are they know the best investor agent in town.

Of course just like anything, there are bad and good property managers, so do some due diligence.

But I imagine if you ask a couple different property managers of some investor minded agents, you will get some overlapping names.

And bingo, when that happens, you have found your agent!

Do just one of these steps above and you are setting up yourself for success. Ignoring this advice is going to give you the worst hangover you ever had in your life.

This 5-minute upfront work in finding an agent with the exact skillset you need will make real estate investing feel less like a hangover and more like a party that you never want to end.

Yes, if you do this and you succeed I promise you'll have so much money you'll want to throw me a taco party.

And as long as you're paying with all your newfound dinero, I'll accept.



  • Agents are not one sombrero fits all
  • Find an agent with similar investing strategy
  • Source an agent doing the things you want to do
  • Property managers are an investor's referral goldmine

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