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HMW #124: 3 Real Estate Books Every Investor Should Read That's Not "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

alan corey books evaluate a property how to start landlord new investor property management Oct 18, 2023


Read Time: 4 minutes

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You are a real estate investor craving for more information in text form.  And I (Alan) am an real estate junkie looking to pump you with affiliate links to books I recommend.  Aren't we a match made in heaven?

Let's get this out of the way.  "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (yes, affiliate link as is the others below) is how many a real estate investor got started, including me.  It changes how you think about money.  It's not a real estate book per se, but real estate offers many of the principals author Robert Kiyosaki teaches regarding purchasing income producing assets to change your wealth.

But you probably already knew that.  So let's talk about 3 other books that are possibly not on you radar that should be and you can get to work being the bookworm that you are.


Ok, so maybe you aren't a bookworm after all. These are still going to be good to get your hands on though.

Book 1: "One Rental at a Time" by Michael Zuber

This is less of a how-to and more of a eye-opening and motivating walkthrough of how author Michael Zuber changed his life by sticking to a goal of acquiring just one rental property every two years.

Zuber also advocates that it only takes 4 properties to massively change your life, and we at House Money Media agree with that too.  You don't need to be a huge tycoon (or want to be one) in order to retire early or boost your finances into realms you never thought possible.



Book 2: "House FIRE [Financial Independence, Retire Early]" by Alan Corey

Yes, this is a House Money Media book, so why not promote what we think is the best beginner guide to understanding real estate investing?

This how-to funny-as-fudge covers multiple real estate strategies, breaks down numbers in a laugh out loud fashion, and it introduces readers to the House FIRE concept of having one rental property for each bill. It takes the FIRE concept of living below your means and turns it on it's head to see how your retirement can be all about living in abundance, but only if you do it through real estate.



Book 3: "The Book on Managing Rental Properties" by Heather & Brandon Turner

This is the perfect read once you own your first property (or at least under contract on one).  Every investor could probably be more efficient and have better structure, which this book outlines for you.

Brandon Turner is well-respected investor, author, and real estate player who does not miss any detail in this management book.  You'll probably want to read it once a year.


So there you have it! The 3 books that should be on any budding investor's bookshelf.  And if you aren't into reading, then don't worry, House Money Media also covers this at length in our courses, podcasts, social media, and blog.  We really want you to understand how to invest in any medium of your choosing!


We are too.  And you'll thank yourself for it in the future.



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